If I could have any job…


The post of the day suggestion from yesterday was  “what job do you want if you could have any job…”

That’s a hard one for me…

But these are the requirements for me…

Travel required….

Writing of some kind…


And Fun.

I guess I could just be a travel writer and take my own photographs… but I also want to make sure I’m making a difference. Whether that be learning about different cultures and sharing it with people, and or making some kind of impact with people.

I’m not asking for a lot of money – if someone gave me the opportunity to do this and paid me enough to live on in that environment – I would be happy. I love to travel, I love to write and I love photography. But I also love being around people and constantly learning.

Is this too much to ask for? I hope not, because I sincerely hope that one day I will be doing this. 🙂

But for now, I will travel on my own dime, take photographs of it and write about it on this blog. That’ll keep me satisfied for now.

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